ICAS College was established to nurture the potential of students and professionals, thereby paving the way for career advancement and self-improvement…

This is a private educational institute aiming to provide certification, diploma, Bachelor’s Degree (Undergraduate Programs), Master’s Degree (Postgraduate Programs) at reasonable prices for local students who have No opportunity to enter state universities or go Abroad for Higher education…,

We have created a unique learning environment that will empower our Students with the necessary skills to achieve their corporate ambitions. Their success depends Upon the applications of theoretical skills and Practical experience. It is the Combination, where we are true experts, insuring that students get the right balance of solid theory coupled with necessary ‘real-life’ case studies and teaching.
All courses are carefully designed to meet the changing needs of this business world.

ICAS College is founded to inspire and transform lives of young people by providing value-based education and guiding towards higher careers.


Safety First

Effective Structure to ease a proper ventilation to assure our ICAS Students are well copped with the environment

Regular Classes

Effective and Convenient time-schedule are organized to facilitate our students continously

Certified Teachers

Qualitative and Effective Teachers, Consultants, Researchers and talented staffs are recruited to show results

Sufficient Classrooms

Adequate classrooms are organized to facilitate a proper and a free environment to develop an identity

Creative Lessons

High and Qualitative Technology is used in the process of delivering the effective lessons to our students

Sports Facilities

Extra-Curricular activities are included to create a friendly and encouraging environment to our students


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We don’t just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in their career to discover a field they’re passionate about and dare to lead it.

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